Wednesday, November 9, 2011

im confused...i really am confused

ok sekarang pukul 1:44 kat laptop aku.....but i have something to let my heart out.....i really cannot comprehend this..

ok, i know weve known each other a little while....its actually 3 years already, but what makes it obviously i want to talk about this because i really cannot understand why man always do this to me in my life. i always like it when you say it straight..if you like me just say u liked it....but if you didnt...then x payah la nak menyusah kan diri layan2 aku ni...its a waste of time, money and i really dont like it when it gets emotionally involved. man if you are not serious with me, just forget me...dont talk at all...dont give me hope...

tapi aku pun ade issues jugak...kenape aku nak sakit hati sangat bile ko cakap dgn perempuan lain, man..its really not my stuffs to get involved with your personal life, am i being stupid?..yes...ive being FAR enough stupid.
i like serious relationship...but this time and moment, i dont think its appropriate.  i better think it first before i take the next step right?..things got so much difficult when the relationship are in the next level, there so much to settled not stable..yet im not serious to* i can if i am ready rite? any commitment is to my family now, not into relationship stuffs..mmmm..ape masalah nye skang ni..ok aku tak nak komitmen..dan aku tak nak pikir ape pun pasal relationship..yahhhh..thats the point...

man, i think were just sticking to be best friend rather than into anything serious...lets life decide rite? haha...btw, its really nice to know awesome people like you..chances meeting a guy like you its one in a million..but i think for now, lets just being friends shall we?..alrite..thats the spirit :). we have so lot in common...i wish you the best in anything. and i will remember you as the best part of memory....... when im leaving..haha... okeh nite the people in da world, till the next time of heart-out,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

motoGP weeee~

salam again!..hahaha
aku sebenanye memang suke gile la bab dengan superbike ni.....sejak dari kecik lagi..tak kisah la superbikes ke, triumph bonaville ke chopper ke, harley ke...asal moto besa..pastu design engine die komplikated..aku akan automatik suke punye..haha..sebab family bapak aku la ni....jadi suke pulak ngan moto2.....bapak aku pun suke sebenanye...iye la..mane la tak tumpahnye kuah kalau tak ke nasik kan.....tapi i ni perempuan..tak sopan nak minat2 bende ni....hahahaha..kisah plak aku ngan statement tu.....minat mengatasi segalenye..lantak la nak kate ape pun...i love SUPERBIKE! :D

aritu tak tersangke2 plan boleh plak pegi tengok motoGP..perghhhhhh...aku punye eksaited lam hati tuhan aje yang tau.....pak teh pulak tu yang belanje...thx pakteh for the treat..memang bikers la....Ya Allah..berikanla aku rezeki dengan bagi motobike sebijik..huhu..minat sangat dah rasenye ni....hahaha...kalau nak carik laki pun sampai kene tengok la laki tu ade motobike ke tak?...amboihhh gile materialistik aku...sebenanye aku tak kesah pun kalau ditakdirkan laki aku ni x de superbikes..sbb aku yang akan tolong die beli satu...aku tak kire, aku nak jugak....fuhhh dalam sangat minat ni..hahahaha. rasenye dah ade sorang calon da...ecewahhh..kalau tak memang nak pegi dating la esok ni..tapi ade kelas pulak dahhh..mencik gile kat sepang plak tu..baru la best..same2 minat..hahahaha.....ya Allah..perkenan kan lah jodoh ini..hahahaha..sebab da private berani la aku tulis camni..kah2.

okeh here sum pictures mase pg motoGP kat sepang arituh

yang pakai spek tu cik mah..opkos the girl one..aha

yang pakai baju merah tu cik teh..hasben pade cik mah di atas...anak die yng merah gak tu...zaquan

pakteh yang pakai aprillia yang ade 2 ekzos..his the big man with a big heart because sponsor ticket! :)

kakak aku yang BOM

balik after marco simoncelli died on crash that day RIP Marco

balik ngan perasaan agak hampa..tapi lepas tau marco mati...rase syahdu pulak sebab in 12 years, this events happened..tapi takpe...tetap experience yang tak dapat same sekali dilupakan
word of the day adelah: minat mengatasi segalanya....
thx again pakteh for this wonderful experience
hidup bikersss..hahah tetibe je kan.
bye nak sambung setadi la..okey....kate nak simpan duit beli bike..kene la jadi pandai dulu :D

Apesal orang suke nak carik pasal ngan aku sangat sekarang ni???....nak kene sepak ke???? hahaha


walaupun nak tulis post marah2 menggila ni...kite kene mengucap dulu..baru sedar diri sikit yg didri tu takleh nak mencarut banyak2..hahha...tapi tak tau la pasal carut tu..things happened. :D ok pastu ade pulak ade org nak komen kat blog yang aku pun dah lame gile tak bukak ni nak suroh padam gamba...watdefak man....abes tu watpe ko post gamba ko kat tenet tuh??..dah a..malas nak layan org bodoh camni....mende kecik pun nak big2 issue kan sangat..dah la....malas nak layan..aku bia je gamba ko kat lam blog aku.

sekarang ni aku ngan my baby..emiza..banyak sangat dilanda gossip liar...hahha..padahal bukan kitorang yang memulakannya....aku pun tak paham la....lantak la nak berskendel dengan berape ramai yang kitorang nak pun...bukannye kitorang ni ade laki.....pakwe mahupun hasben..gila virgin...hahaha...nak kelua ngan bape laki pun sukehati la.....mak aku pun tak bising camko...ko nak lebey2 apehal.....lek la...laki org yang nak kelua ngan aku..bukan aku yg terhegeh2 sgt nak kelua ngan diorang, n to be emphasize..aku tak akan kelua ngan laki really...what de fak to involve with our personal thingies! tak pernah masuk campur lam hal rumah tangga korang.....apesal nak sebok hal rumah tangga aku.....tolong la jangan nak sebok2 sangat....jodoh di tangan tuhan...kite mane la tau ngan sape yang kite nak kawen buat ape sebok2 nak komen hal rumahtangga org...ntah la....sikap menjage tepi kain org sgt ni la paling aku tak suke

hahaha.....memang suke carik pasal kan...ok ..ko tengok aku plak carik pasal camne...pastu baru ko rase bagai bertemu buku dengan ruas...hahaha....*gelak serius

Saturday, May 7, 2011

you think you are the best of all?

ok i apologized for following your blogs, im so sorry about that.
but to see you writing in such manners makes me feel that u are so fu****g arrogant
and now i had unfollow your blogs.
did you happy?
and by the way, i did not use your notes as my guide for my exam papers.
did you glad to hear that?, because your notes is for your own use rite.
ok i understand that so much. because i did not want to screw up in my exams
its just not my ass to follow your notes.

Monday, April 25, 2011

long time no see ya?..are you miss to read my blog, i bet you're not! :D


camne hidup sihat?...saye sihat je
cume malas nak menulis..bukan nye takde bende yang nak dituliskan...
tapi ade banyak sangat peristiwa...lebih baikla fokus kat bende lain....
lagipun saye tak interested pun nak letting people to read my blog...
i just want to let my heart out..when i got something to say, but i dont have any friend to hear it...this is the perfect moment to write i think. and most of it is about rebels.......dont ya think? menulis blog ni bile geram je.......if you feels annoy....haha..tak tau la den nak cakap apa...lagi pun nama blog ni this blog belongs to me kan.......lantok le nak rase mike nak rase ape pun...haha :D

this few weeks is really2 challenging weeks i ever felt in my life. im not gonna reveal it as it involves with my family emotions, lets you guys understand it as i got family problem. simple and straight..hmmm.?...and this feelings gets more complicated as i am now approaching my final exams days, which i have to think about 2 things, my family, and my it though dont you think?..its tough, really....well i have to be strong no matter what. and that is the hardest part of all, because when you have the problems that bothered you abruptly you'll feel like you are the most pathetic person in the world. and you will ask god why this is happening to me? im thinking it about for so many nights. and i just feel that, it is not pathetic, it just the god wants you to feel how to be survive in your life and feel regrets for your mistakes that you have done. its the process to be wise. and this is the piece of advise, when you got into the serious matters, just stay calm. pray for the best-est wish to Allah, and god will show the way, as the wise says that, god will never gives you pressure that you cannot handle. jadi bak kate orang2 melayu, ade hikmah di setiap kejadian. jadi besabarlah bile ditimpa kesusahan. sesungguhnya Allah bersama dgn org yang sabar.

i still live my life, learn every piece of it. and im not gonna waste it. when i feel sad, i pray for happiness
when i feel lost, i pray for the way. i want to be wise, but as you guys knows it, be wise is not easy as we just say it. but i will get thru it, insyallah. so i think thats for today 'heart-out', may god bless you always guys.-salam. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

this is facts, please dont mad at me.

" tijah, bilangan jari kaki ngan yang ade kat tangan ko tu pun tak menjanjikan ade lelaki yang baik sekarang ni"
- ayah.

kata2 ni lah yang aku paling ingat sekali, terima kasih ayah. kata2 ayah tu memang betul sangat. kalau tijah tak dengar kata ayah, tak tau la ape jadi kat tijah sekarang ni, sebab tijah tgk sekarang ramai kawan2 tijah yang tak bahagia..sebab, itulah...... lelaki.

haha..kadang2 pelik jugak la lelaki ni, ape yang kurangnye perempuan ni?.. tgh in relationship pun ade skendel2 lain..tapi tu takpe lagi weii, ni yang tak tahan da kawen sangat da wei, boleh pulak nak kelua2 makan ngan skendel konon..haha....this is the facts ok!, it happens to me. lelaki orang sangat!, sorang tu da ade anak 3 orang, sorang lagi baru kawen, YA ALLAH! sebenanye aku tak nak cerita bende ni, tapi bile da terlampau banyak aku nampak dan ia terjadi jugak kat aku, i think its ok to share, tapi diingatkan juge, tak semua lelaki begitu, ade jugak yang setia..tapi one in the million lah...haha..,, naseb baik la aku tak jahat. kalau aku jahat, punah rumah tangga orang. seyes!, tak tau ape yang korang nak...ape2  ce bagitau sikit kat mane silapnye. padahal korang jugak yang pilih that girl as your girl, but if you find another one, kat mane silapnye sebenanye ni?
seyes tak paham. i insist to know, kamon gentleman, please tell me.

jangan curang, tolong jangan curang. kesian kat pompuan tau tak. sebab pmpuan ni fragile... sekali da suke jiwa raga bagi. kalau bende ni jadi, punah hati diorang, i mean kitorang. sebab tu la pompuan tak suke kuota 3, 4 ni. ini bukan nak kate aku mengejek sunnah nabi ke ape. tapi sifat perempuan itu. perempuan ni sukekan lelaki yang setia, cinta itu satu sahaja, kalau boleh, tiada yang lain lagi..dia sorang je pilihan hati. bercinta sampai ke akhir hayat. mmm tulis panjang2 camne pun korang tak rase tak guna jgak kan. tapi satu je. jangan curang. Lagi2 nak jadikan aku pihak ketiga...ishhh simpang malaikat 44 la. aku selalu jgak doa mintak jangan la aku rosakkan jodoh orang.....kejam wei. rampas kebahagian orang lain. jangan rampas kebahagiaan org lain, trust me, satu hari nanti bende tu akan jadi kat kite jgak.

ok tu je, malas nak cakap lebih2 nanti ade gak terasa lebih2. tapi jangan marah ye, i know girls a bad too. but im just write it as my opinion based on experience, sorry if i hurt someone., rase benci kat aku??..haha..benci la..aku tak heran. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

x paham la, lagi aku tak nak..lagi tu la die datang..adoyaiii

kenapa aku selalu camni?
aku selalu dapat bende yang aku tak nak...
makin aku tak nak, makin banyak pulak die datang
datang pulak bukan satu due...haha...3, 4,5 dan malas nak amik tau
tapi kalau malas nak amik tau, rugi jugak
tapi did you learn from lesson tijah??
aduii..cukup2 la dulu tu..ok please 4 get about it
okey.....lek lu
mude gi, jimba2 lu...haha
rilek2 sudah..ok yes!